Exit 13 Cover Illustration

Here’s a watercolor/pen and ink illustration I provided for The Telling Room’s annual anthology of student writing, “Exit 13.” The Telling Room is a Portland, Maine-based nonprofit that works with local children to help them hone their storytelling craft through workshops and in-school events. It’s fun to volunteer for them if for no other reason than that you get to go into public schools and witness firsthand how out-of-touch you have become with the whims and wants of today’s youth. 

This year’s anthology is meant to hearken to the notion of a state-wide guidebook, hence my illustration being jam-packed with New England imagery. The book’s slim and narrow trim size echoes that of a genuine guidebook, and my illustration wraps around the cover, which was designed by Ari Meil.

Here’s a portion of the drawing before I dove into the watercolors.